
- Contractor: Grimes & Associates
- Architect: Michelson & Grimes
- Engineer: Michelson & Grimes
- Location: Westmont, IL
- Building Height: 34′ Top of Precast
- Gross Square Footage: 15,000
- Design Features: Mostly glass showroom with structural precast spandrels.
- Finish: Field painted by others

- Contractor: Grimes & Associates
- Architect: Michelson & Grimes
- Engineer: Michelson & Grimes
- Location: Westmont, IL
- Building Height: 34′ Top of Precast
- Gross Square Footage: 15,000
- Design Features: Mostly glass showroom with structural precast spandrels.
- Finish: Field painted by others

- Contractor: Grimes & Associates
- Architect: Michelson & Grimes
- Engineer: Michelson & Grimes
- Location: Westmont, IL
- Building Height: 34′ Top of Precast
- Gross Square Footage: 15,000
- Design Features: Mostly glass showroom with structural precast spandrels.
- Finish: Field painted by others